Going So Fast?

I can't be the only one on the quarter system, right? Oh...I am? Well at least that's how it see,s this week as all of my High School friends are off to college! Among the pack, some are going to the beloved MSU and U of M. Others are headed north for schools like GVSU and SVSU. And then there are the few going to Upper Peninsula (Michigan Tech) and even New York (Syracuse)!
And then there's me. I still have a whole 12 days until I leave, and that's only for a cultural program. I don't move in until September 16th, and I don't even start classes until September 24th! Crazy! Due to this, many a thoughts have been running through the mind of Sierra. Here are most of them:
And just gonna continue to wait
  1. Logging onto social media sucks: Because everyone keeps posting pictures of their campuses, dorm rooms, or their countdown apps that say "0 days remaining". Quarter system peeps have to look at that stuff and dream! Don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic for everyone who is taking this next step in their life. But, man, does it remind me of the wait I have to endure.
  2. I hate explaining the Quarter system to people: Looking at the facial expressions I receive from people when I explain to them my leaving situation is one unexplainable experience, I tell 'ya. Basically, for anyone who had to explain, "I'm on trimesters!" to people in High School, I totally feel your pain.
  3. Will I get along with my roommate?: I honestly don't know why this is a concern for me though. My roommate is pretty awesome! But still, everyone wants to "click" with their roommate, so that things aren't awkward. No one said your roommate needs to be your BFF but you shouldn't barely know anything about them. So I'm gonna cross my fingers.
  4. Am I ready?: Part of seeing everyone post and talk about their college experiences so far is also seeing them cry, whine, and complain about multiple things. "I miss my mom" "I'm all alone" "I miss my BFF" "I'm not making any friends" Beside mentally telling them to shut up, I've just been wondering if that will be me. I think I'm beyond ready, but so did some of them! Am I as prepared as I think I am? Only time will tell.
  5. Being alllllll alone: Basically, there's no one to hang out with, no one's house to go over (unless you want to chill with their parents), and almost nothing to do. Wrong! This isn't a tip I came up with myself, but now that everyone is gone, this is perfect for some Me Time! Figure out who I am, what I want to be, who I want to become in college. Soon, due to essays and projects and extracurriculars, "Me Time" will be at a minimum!
And that basically sums it up for me. What ran through your head prior to you leaving for college? Were you anxious? Scared? As you can see, I'm dying to know! Please don't hesitate to leave a comment, even if it's just for some feedback.


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