August 1st As Promised!

As of today, I am starting the #31WriteNow Challenge for August!! If you read that last sentence and went, "Huh?" Then make sure to check out my last blog post.

So...what is there to talk about? I'll give some insight on my natural hair journey:

So recently, I found out that I have low porosity hair. Low porosity? Well, it means that my hair shaft strands are closed, so that barely anything can get in them. So simply put, every time I add a glorious product or even water, it just sits on top of my hair and doesn't get into it to condition it. Many girls like me with low porosity hair will probably complain about having dry hair, but it's just the strands! After finding out this condition, the journalist inside of me went to work on finding out how to GET INTO my hair strands. I'll stay in touch with my endeavors and the results! 

Oh! And I also started a Go Fund Me campaign today!! That's right! And if you click on this link:

You can read all about it. It's a really cool resource! I've been wondering ways to ease the load of school off of my parents checkbooks, and maybe just maybe this will help. I set the goal at $10,000, but honestly any amount will help. To think that someone else's humility and nice demeanor could push them to help someone they may not even know just blows my mind. 

As you know (or as I constantly remind you), I will be attending my dream school, Northwestern University in the fall. I couldn't be happier, and I will updat the blog with everything! 

Okay that's all I got for today, other than a reminder that TOMORROW IS MY EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY!!!!! I'm beyond excited! So make sure to tune in tomorrow for my ecstatic bday post!



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