As We Go On...

Well, as of today I have 11 days left. And I guess it hit me: I'm leaving. I'll be 300 miles away from home.

Not only away from my family whom I adore, but from the ones I've developed such wonderful relationships with. My friends whom I've had for years, for example, who have been there for me since we've met. Even people who I met not too long ago. Part of the beautiful life God has blessed me with, is those who he connected me with!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm still super excited to begin this next and huge step of my life. College is where you find yourself! Where you become the person God has intended for you to be. And I'm eager to become that. But I just want to take this time to appreciate those who have left a footprint on my heart. I'm already crying lol, so if you do, just let the tears flow. 

Thank you. 
For the support, love, friendship, kinship, good times, bad times, mistakes, mishaps, drama, laughs, tears, smiles, gossip, just freakin' thank you. No matter where life takes me, these footprints will never be forgotten.

Damien, Nicole, Amber, Kamri, Colleen, Alexis, Terrance, Saisha, Ellis, Joshie, Quiera, Tia, Angel. This is specially for you all. When I think of true friendship, YOU are the ones that come to mind. I've had a lot of people come and go, but you all honestly are buckled in to stay. 

Oh my goodness! Look at how blessed we are to have one another! I love you all!!!



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