SHOOT! Darnit!

I missed a day! And of all days to miss, it was my birthday! 
I guess that can be an accurate snapshot to tell you how it went. Thumbs down. 

You read that right, my 18th birthday was poopy McGee. Why?

- I did nothing but sit around my house!
- Personally, I still feel like I'm treated as a child sometimes

BUT, regardless of the negatives, I'm thankful to have made it another year and see much more. Because for many youth these days, turning 18 is not a reality. 

So what am I gonna do about my poopy day? I'm going the make the most of every other day, you're only 18 for once, for Pete's sake! I'll go shopping, I'll live it up in Chicago when I get there, I'll take chances, I'll try something new, I'll live my life! 

Now, what am I gonna do about missing a day in the challenge? Well, lucky for you, that means you'll be seeing TWO blog posts from me today!!! This one is in the place of yesterday, and another is coming! 

Peace, love, and purple!



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