Grab Those Scissors

...Cause I'm going to cut my hair!

Before you go to calling me crazy, hear me out. I'm not going to go Halle Berry length short, but I want a tapered look so that I can get out of this funk with my hair. What funk, you ask? Well, hear me out: I love my curls. I'm still very much infatuated with Afros. I just want an edge added to my hair. If you know me, you know I like to be different in what I do. So even though I'm proud to be a part of the natural haired community, I still want to set myself apart. 

So back to the cut topic: it's happening! When? As soon as I grow an inch and a half more of hair. So approximately 2 months if I continue to treat my hair right. Why? Already told you all. Where? I'm going to search all of Chicago for a natural hair salon similar to DevaChan (look it up, they're the bomb). Who? Me, duhh. What? Something in the family of these: 

It's like a curly/natural bob! Love it! What do you guys think? Will it complement my face structure? 

You know what they say "A woman who cuts her hair is about to do something great in her life"...or something like that. 

Ever cut- or alter- your hair? Let me know! Send a pic to my email! 




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