Grab Those Scissors
...Cause I'm going to cut my hair!
Before you go to calling me crazy, hear me out. I'm not going to go Halle Berry length short, but I want a tapered look so that I can get out of this funk with my hair. What funk, you ask? Well, hear me out: I love my curls. I'm still very much infatuated with Afros. I just want an edge added to my hair. If you know me, you know I like to be different in what I do. So even though I'm proud to be a part of the natural haired community, I still want to set myself apart.
So back to the cut topic: it's happening! When? As soon as I grow an inch and a half more of hair. So approximately 2 months if I continue to treat my hair right. Why? Already told you all. Where? I'm going to search all of Chicago for a natural hair salon similar to DevaChan (look it up, they're the bomb). Who? Me, duhh. What? Something in the family of these:
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