Not Your Shade

As a young black woman, I've been growing to love myself. But sometimes, there are stigmas and myths held regarding black women that can hold us back. One of them that I truly dislike is

"That's not your shade." Similar statements include: "You are too dark to wear that" and "Only certain people can pull that off."

Phrases like these have been said to countless girls like me, ruining self esteems near and far. The belief that only people of certain complexions can wear certain shades of clothing or make up is very close minded and ignorant. Beautiful women of every color in the skin spectrum are free to express themselves in any way that they choose- and can still be beautiful.

Sure, in the mainstream media, most black women are nearly never seen sporting vibrant colors. And in the few times that they are, they are doing so in a stereotypical way. But the mainstream media is not a good depiction of black women and our ability to pull off wearing colors of any shade. Look at these women slay in colors:

For long, I was one who believed such myths, limiting myself to colors accepted by society. But as I've grown, I've come to figure out my true beauty. Check me out in some colors!

Once we stop letting society define what beauty is, once we rid ourselves of constraints, we can free ourselves from the belief that certain beauties can rock certain shades. Not only fair skin, not only medium skin, not only deep skin. Because, just like beauty doesn't only come in one color, it also isn't locked to one 



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