It's My Prerogative

Bobby Brown is most famous for saying it, but do the rest of us understand it? Yes? 

If we did, would so many people judgmental of others? I doubt it. When we count ourselves as better than someone else due to any reason, it says more about our character than theirs. Nothing should compel us to believe that we are more of a human being than someone else. Hello, is it not the year 2013?! Why is this even still an issue?

Whether it's based on skin color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, vernacular, dialect, or even past, no one has any right to discredit a person of their humanity. Everyone has faults, and the man who believes himself not to...he has a bigger fault.

So, who is the judge to determine which fault is better than another? Let me answer that one for you, nobody. All we need is love. 

No, don't leave! Before you start calling me a hippie, stop and think about that last sentence. If we could, as a people, love one another regardless, just think how better the world would be? Just imagine the amount of people who would stop being afraid to be who they truly are. A beautiful reality, and only through loving one another. 

It may be just me, but I cannot get jiggy with a condescending soul.  

This isn't me venting. No horrible incident has happened to me. I'm just grateful I was raised with a loving soul and I hope that, one day, the world will have one as well.



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