Is It Because I'm...


So, just in case you're wondering, the countdown until Northwestern is 3 days in total. Many times, when I tell others that I'm a Northwestern Wildcat, I get the following responses:

  • Wow! You're smart.
  • Northwestern?? Big 10 Northwestern?
  • That's a hard school to get into, woah!
  • Wooooooow! Congrats
  • and the seldom but equally amusing; Oh. (unfamiliar with the school and its prestige)
However, for me, and others that look like me, after making it known that we attend a prestigious school, some may think it's because we are black. Or Native American. Or Hispanic. Or a female. Simply, some believe that due to programs like Affirmative Action, people who are unqualified get into schools over those who are qualified. 

Here's a question for those people: What does the world look like?

When you step outside of your home into the world, you don't see just one type of person. You don't see programmed robots who all only know how to do the same thing. Isn't college supposed to model the real world to adequately prepare us all to be positive additions to society? So, how can it be an adequate model if there's no diversity? You should be able to graduate college prepared for what the real world has to offer (at least somewhat).

Furthermore, anyone who a prestigious University accepts, is qualified. No matter how much of an "advantage" (which it isn't) some believe is given to minorities, that doesn't nearly mean that someone who cannot handle the rigor of the school will be accepted. And since when do test scores solely show someone's ability to survive in a good school? Schools like Northwestern admit students holistically. This means they look at the student as a whole:
  • Test scores
  • Writing ability
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Beliefs
  • Grades
  • Relationships with teacher(s)
  • etc
And this is because schools like Northwestern understand that being smart means nothing if your morality is poop. Think of the general conditions for people of minorities. Studies have shown that, simply, they don't have as vibrant a life as some of the rest of us. So by giving them an equal playing field, it's unfair? I believe it's the opposite.

But as I said in my New Years Resolutions (yeah, I'm still working on those unlike others), I am persevering to become more open minded and less judge mental. It is perfectly fine for someone to have a differing opinion from mine. But discrediting my hard work and dedication for the past 18+ years of my life? That is where the line is drawn. But you know what they say, prove them wrong with your success, and oh, do I plan to. 




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