Day 9: Phew!

So in hopes of trying to get you guys something fresh and new, I spent hours taping, editing and uploading a video on YouTube for you all to watch along with reading this blog. Of course, it is called the 31WriteNow challenge, so I must still write something for you all to read.

This video is about:

A struggle I've had since the beginning of Summer 2013, finding a job! It is so hard just to find a place that is hiring and will not throw your papers away when they see that you are young. I've also never been employed before which is a bummer because most places look for experiences (ironically, the only way to GET experience is through working, duhh). But even after I get past all of that, the big stop sign comes when they are aware of me leaving for school in the fall. I really really wanted a job this Summer so I could save up some cash before I left. Oh well, I will make things work, even if I don't work.

Guess? That's right, my hair. Just a reflection on how well the CG method is working for me! It is the bomb diggity!

Also, if you check out the video, you will witness the truth that is HAV!
" a HAV, Sierra?"

You have to watch the video to see!! So head yourself on over to YouTube and press play!

...Or you could just look below and watch it while you're here. Go technology!



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