And operation last minute vacation was a complete SUCCESS! I had a blast in 

It definitely was an unforgettable experience. I also bonded with my family, something I truly appreciate prior to my leaving for school. 

I am very thankful to have had this opportunity. But, ALAS, the time has come. With less than 5 days until I leave for Evanston, it's time to get things CRACKIN'!

Here's everything I have to do before I leave:

Buy more hair products:
Since I am a (proud) natural, I have to stock up on products! I need enough to last me until Thanksgiving break, and possible longer than that! Check out my YouTube channel to see my favorite products.

Last minute dorm needs:

Yep, you're reading that correctly. I still have all of that to get. However, some things we are planning on buying in Evanston (phew)! What can I say...

Finish a book

True proof of my procrastination skills here. Be jealous. I received this book some weeks ago and I don't think I'm passed the first chapter. It's just so...well I don't know. But it isn't necessarily mandatory (no excuse). I'll finish it though, I'm determined. 

Be a video productions advisor
No picture for this. My sisters were in an all girls summer camp, and I helped out with all things technology related. The camp founder appreciated my help so much that she put her beloved video camera in my hands to check it out. I have to actually do that so her faith in me doesn't twiddle away. 

Dye my hair! 

With my good ol' pal, Manic Panic! It's all vegan, so I can leave it on however long I like to and still get a vibrant yet subtle purple color! Best thing is, purple is both my favorite color and my college color! It's a win-win for me! Plus, I look pretty darn cool with purple hair. 

• DO my hair

I reeeeaaaaalllly don't want to have to worry about doing my hair everyday, while also worrying about getting the hang of college. So, to take some weight off of my shoulders, I'm going to give myself some mini twists (look above)! They're cute, easy, protective.

That's all, folks!
Only four more days! Wow. Wow. Wow.



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