Heat Damage?!

*Rewinds to tell you guys the story* so for my graduation party, I straightened my hair. I just wanted something new and also wanted to see how long my hair had gotten. Have a look 
Many naturals do this to keep up with hair growth over certain intervals of time. However, this morning when I washed my hair I noticed in some parts I have heat damage *yells noooooo*! 

Many of my curls and coils had a looser pattern due to the damaging ways of the dreaded flat iron. Though my damage really isn't that bad, I'm on a mission to restore my curls! Along with this mission, I have now started the Curly Girl method! What's this? Simply, it's getting rid of sulfates, parabens, silicones, and things similar. It also involves dumping your shampoo and developing and relationship with some good ol' conditioner. Check out my YouTube video on it: http://youtu.be/VvKp_7olKTw

In addition to the CG method, I've been taking Biotin pills daily as well as doing scalp rubs with essential oils. I'll do another "length check" in a couple of month to see progress. BUT, seriously! Go watch my YouTube video and subscribe while you're at it!



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