Specifics on the PERFECT Twistout

Here it is, here it is! And plain as day! The video detailing what to do to get a defined twistout on your hair. I understand my last twistout video wasn't as specific as some would have liked, so I made sure to lay it out here! Also, I understand that I only posted a Polyvore set of clothing yesterday, which didn't include any writing. So I am sorry, in case someone was actually depending on a post.

Here is the link just in case: http://youtu.be/sygiR00Ca1g

Also, I will be posting more in depth on this, but today a good friend of mine dropped his much anticipated mixtape! I know you may see mixtape promotion a lot on the interwebs, but this stuff has substance, something you will nod your head to and fall in love with. The artist is HAV, who I mentioned in this recent blog post! To make a long story short, HAV is the truth, please please please check him out HERE, my favorite track is Tragedies Dream. I'm actually sitting here wondering why I haven't gotten in an interview yet.... Hmmm. If you're reading this Ja'Vierre, plan on it soon!!

So that's all, hair and music! Say, why don't you pick your favorite track on the mixtape and comment it on the YouTube video!!! Support for all!



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