Will Work for Strength

What can I say, life is good. But, as known to many, it is also unfair. The best of us get knocked down sometimes. Life doesn't care who you are. People let us down. We fail at things we may try hard at. We lose friendships. We scrape our knees and shed some tears.

But, instead of being the grumpy dwarf, I like to think of a solution. It's okay to be sad. In fact, it's much better than holding that emotion inside of you to bubble up and explode. At some point, we must pick ourselves up and try try again, just as Aaliyah said. Failing inevitably makes us wiser. Tears become lessons learned. The sad days you may be enduring will soon be of the past. 

Sometimes, it's easy to look at where we want to be, compare that to where we are now, and feel unaccomplished. But, if you would look at where you are now compared to where you've come from, you'd pick your head up in confidence! 

So if life has chosen you to be its captive for now, take what it has to give you. But whatever you do, don't give up! And that applies to anything: school, work, family, relationships, anything! 

And if you ever need any encouragement, feel free to email me at any time. It's in the "Contact me" tab! 



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