25 Days Remain...

Until I leave for college!! Say whaaa? You heard that right, less than 30 days I'll bee in Evanston, IL (aka heavanston)! I'm actually going for an academic program, as I don't move in until September 16th! (Quarter system probz). Words cannot explain my excitement!

So what does a girl think about with 25 days left until her life changes? Here's a few:

1) Am I ready? This question is inevitable regardless of who you are. At some point, all pre-collegiates wonder if the past 12+ years have really prepared them for this new life. But in the end, one must realize that no matter how nervous we get, any new experience comes with an unknown future, but it's up to us to make the best of it.

2) Will I make friends? People like me who are going to school away from home and leaving previous friends really worry about this. Will they accept me? Will I fit in? The thing about college (or so I've heard) is there are no cliques. There is a niche for everyone if you're willing to leave your comfort zone and find it.

3) Will the coursework fade me out? All of our academic lives, we learn that college is a totally new atmosphere in terms of academics. Sometimes we worry if the good grades we've previously gotten are just things of the past. Unlike most this, your grades are something you can control. It may take that extra hour studying or that time staying after class with your professor, but it's darn sure worth it.

4) What about my old friends? Again, for students going away like me, the duty of keeping up with high school friendship becomes that much harder. The girls you swore you'd be with until the end are now suddenly so far away. I have no answer for this other than time will tell. 

5) Can I handle being on my own? When you have solely depended on your parents for as long as you can remember, thinking of life without them there for every step just seems weird. It's exciting to finally feel like an adult, but it also came so abruptly. This feeling is needed, as even the best have felt this way. Just stay responsible and practice what you've been taught, it'll make them proud. 

College freshman think about countless of other things as the time comes for them to leave (no one wants a horrible roommate), but as we go on and become acclimated to our new lives, such worries will be of the past. Get excited!!! It's college!!!!

Class of 2017!



  1. Enjoy!! Enjoy!! College was the best time of my life. Enjoy every moment, take advantage of every opportunity. My first semester was HORRIBLE!! I was on academic probation so I had no choice but to bring my grades up that spring semester or I was going to get kicked out. Funny thing is I"m smart. Always been smart. I graduated high school with a 3.6 GPA I got to college and was just.. I don't even know. I wasn't partying or wildin out I just don't know what happened during that first semester. Thankfully I was able to pull my grades up and make it through but that first semester haunted me the entire time I was there. There was various activities and organizations I wanted to join but I couldn't because my foundation was so bad. It was like no matter how hard I work to bring up my grades and I did, that first semester kept bringing it down. I missed out on a lot of opportunities.
    Once again enjoy and have fun. I know we don't know each other but I'm all for being a support to others (especially younger women plus I'm a social worker) so if you need to talk or process anything feel free to email me. My email is stacyabrice@gmail.com. My name is really Stacy Australia (that's my first and middle). Good luck.


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