I'm Your Biggest Fan!

Omg! Look!! It's the fab celebrity (insert person here)!!! 

Does that sound at all familiar? Well, in the presence of famous people, things will, as some say, get real.

These days, it seems as though everyone has that celebrity that they just cannot get enough of. 

So which celebrity do I choose to idolize? None of them. *Cue dramatic gasp* Yep, and that's the truth.

I mean, I get it. Celebrities may possess awesome talent and out-of-this-world style, but they're still people. They breathe the same air I do, walk on the same dirt I do, and all of that jazz. And though I may support some or even really dig their work, that's as far as it usually goes. Maybe it's just me, but my walls have never been covered in posters, and I've only actually been to a couple of concerts in my lifetime. I must be missing out on a lot, right? Wrong again, friends.

But by being my observant self, I've gathered a small list of the most obsessed over celebrities today. 

1) Beyonce 

Or, as you may have heard her called, "Queen Bey". But can you be surprised? Beyonce has basically ruled the female music industry for a good strong decade, and that not only takes talent, but spunk. To many, she got that it factor, she's relatable, she's real. I respect Beyonce, and I have tons of her music on my iPod, but you'll never see me bowing down to her. 

2) Justin Bieber 

Another no-brainer, I hope. JB started off getting lots of "Aww" and has recently been getting more "Ooh" thanks to puberty. There are millions are girls wishing upon a star for him to be their boyfriend. But, there are almost as many physically harming themselves because of their obsession with him. I understand being a fan, but there is a thin blue line between fandom and compulsion. Bieber's got swag, but no one will ever have enough swag for me to hurt myself.

3) Rihanna

RiRi has been compiling her group of stans since Good Girl Bad, when she threw away beach curls and pink skirts and exchanged them for shaved radical 'do's and hookah bongs. Hey, like Bobby Brown said, it's her prerogative. But with every step Rihanna makes, there's a bunch of peeps worshipping her, assured that she can do no wrong. I'm pretty sure she could walk outside naked and her stans would say it's revolutionary, even if they were against it the day before. Maybe some of our common sense has gone bad, too.

4) Miley Cyrus

"She's being herself" "She's finally not conforming to society" Some of the things I've heard since the infamous Miley has turned a new leaf. You should never be afraid of being yourself, and if this is who she truly is, so be it. But I'm just confused as to how actions such as "twerking" and smoking, once discouraged, are idolized now that she's engaging in them. Since Miley's bang of new popularity, I've learned the essence of the double standard. If I were to twerk, I'd be called ratchet, stereotypical, and then someone would offer me fried chicken and watermelon. She does it and it's heaven sent. Hmm...

And those are the celebs hot off the press. Let them live, let them be. But for Pete's sake, remember they are no better than any of us. And just because I don't idolize them, does not mean I am a "hater".

Who's your fave celeb? Do you obsess or are you similar to me? Share your opinion! 



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