Greetings & Miley Cyrus

Maybe it doesn't seem that these two are related, but watch me make it work!

Hello all! I'm back from the magic wonderland that is Northwestern. Well, not really. For one, I'm not technically back. I'm still in Evanston, I'm just back on Blogger after yet another hiatus. And, don't get me wrong, Northwestern is very much a wonderland at times. But times like now, which is midterm season, the glow of the magic wears away.

Yes! It is midterm time here at NU, and all throughout campus are stressed out nerds who just want to pass. I'm one of them! I know, I know, stress is bad. But it's also easy. Between having two quizzes on top of multiple writing assignments every week in one class, over 200 pages of reading a week for another, trying to slowly become fluent in another language, AND extra-curriculars? SAVE ME, I'M DROWNING!! Honestly, it's so much!!

So how have I been coping?
  • Enjoying the simple things: time with friends, good music, dressing up.
  • Study breaks with yummy food
  • The gym!! It's become a hobby to blow steam off at Cardio Blast or Body Pump
  • Participating in events that are important to me
  • Getting rooted in my faith and staying well read on the Bible
  • Taking time to woosahh, focus, and get back into the game 
 I'll get through this!

I am still doing my thing with writing! I do want to be a writer for a living, so I should get used to it. I joined a campus publication called Pulse Magazine, a satellite magazine for the Black Student Union on campus! Annnnnnd, guess who just had her first article published in the mag? This girl! The article is about a specific view of mine on Miley Cyrus. Before you make any preconceptions, I highly encourage you to give it a read! Of course, you guys get dibs: HERE IT IS!

Please tell me how you feel about it. And please, if you would, write a comment!

If anyone wants to keep up with me during this time of schooling, just get my email from the contact tab! I hope all of my fellow college freshmen are faring well in the new university scene. Make it count!



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