
Showing posts from August, 2013


And operation last minute vacation was a complete SUCCESS! I had a blast in  It definitely was an unforgettable experience. I also bonded with my family, something I truly appreciate prior to my leaving for school.  I am very thankful to have had this opportunity. But, ALAS, the time has come. With less than 5 days until I leave for Evanston, it's time to get things CRACKIN'! Here's everything I have to do before I leave: • Buy more hair products: Since I am a (proud) natural, I have to stock up on products! I need enough to last me until Thanksgiving break, and possible longer than that! Check out my YouTube channel to see my favorite products. • Last minute dorm needs: Yep, you're reading that correctly. I still have all of that to get. However, some things we are planning on buying in Evanston (phew)! What can I say... • Finish a book True proof of my procrastination skills here. Be jealous. I received this book some weeks ago and I don't think I'm passed the...

Oh! Almost Forgot

Today is the very last day of the #31WriteNow challenge! I did it! *cue We Are the Champions*  Well, I didn't blog every single day, but recollecting my previous blogging habits, I've made so much progress thanks to this challenge. People have actually been frequently reading The B2B, I've come up with tons more to write about, and I've breathed a new life into my pre-challenge blog! I really do feel accomplished.  But the push isn't over just because August is over ( seriously though, August only lasted a day ). I will now be participating in Blogtember! That's right! A September blogging challenge! It doesn't start until the 3rd (in honor of the holiday), and I think it will benefit you to tune in. In depth deets will be coming soon, so thank you to those who have read and see you soon to those who will continue to read.  XOXO -Si

Is It Because I'm...

Purple? So, just in case you're wondering, the countdown until Northwestern is 3 days in total. Many times, when I tell others that I'm a Northwestern Wildcat, I get the following responses: Wow! You're smart. Northwestern?? Big 10 Northwestern? That's a hard school to get into, woah! Wooooooow! Congrats and the seldom but equally amusing; Oh. (unfamiliar with the school and its prestige) However, for me, and others that look like me, after making it known that we attend a prestigious school, some may think it's because we are black. Or Native American. Or Hispanic. Or a female. Simply, some believe that due to programs like Affirmative Action, people who are unqualified get into schools over those who are qualified.  Here's a question for those people: What does the world look like? When you step outside of your home into the world, you don't see just one type of person. You don't see programmed robots who all only know how to d...

Wake Me Up When...

By the way, this was meant to be posted on the 27th, but my blogger app never uploaded it. Anywho, September comes , duhh! Well, not yet. Today, lovelies, I am in full vacation mode! That's right! Seeing as, in exactly a week, I'll be in a truck headed for Evanston, this is my last hoorah before I start at Northwestern.  I'm really thankful to have a family that has gone out of their way to make my last summer at home such a memorable one. Texas, Myrtle Beach, and other super cool things. For the first time, I'm excited for school to start. I know I'll miss a ton of people, but I'm ready and prepared for this next chapter of my life.  But as of today (And tomorrow. And Thursday), school is not my focus. VACATION IS!! XOXO -Si

Last Night of Vacation!

You read it, tonight is my last night living it up on vacation, as I board the plane for home tomorrow! Not only that, but this is also my last Wednesday night I'll be spending with my family! Next time, I'll be in Evanston ( woah ).   This was an awesome end of the summer hoorah!  XOXO -Si

Specifics on the PERFECT Twistout

Here it is, here it is! And plain as day! The video detailing what to do to get a defined twistout on your hair. I understand my last twistout video wasn't as specific as some would have liked, so I made sure to lay it out here! Also, I understand that I only posted a Polyvore set of clothing yesterday, which didn't include any writing. So I am sorry, in case someone was actually depending on a post. Here is the link just in case: Also, I will be posting more in depth on this, but today a good friend of mine dropped his much anticipated mixtape! I know you may see mixtape promotion a lot on the interwebs, but this stuff has substance, something you will nod your head to and fall in love with. The artist is HAV, who I mentioned in this recent blog post! To make a long story short, HAV is the truth, please please please check him out HERE , my favorite track is Tragedies Dream . I'm actually sitting here wondering why I haven't gotten in...


Legster by sierra-lanae featuring Kate Spade

Too Cheap for Ulta

Sadly, I am. I have officially become a broke college kid. Feel free to send any Ramen. However, my newly broke status has led me to learn a few new trades. Learning to braid and wax eyebrows are some of them, but the most creative is learning to make my own makeup! Whaaaaaat? Yes! I recently learned how to make lipstick out of crayons. And now you can, too! Even if you don't have to avoid Ulta like the plague, it's something uber fun to do. What You'll Need: Crayons Coconut oil (or any essential oil of your choice. Olive, castor, etc.) Vaseline A small glass container (get a small candle, and take the candle out of the jar. Walaa!) Something to stir with Somewhere to put the finished product (I used one of those SMTWTF medicine separators) What You Need to Do: Watch this video!        So, in the end, if you have brown skin like me, then expect more of a lip gloss than a lipstick. But, it applies very smoothly and makes my lips feel really sof...

As We Go On...

Well, as of today I have 11 days left. And I guess it hit me: I'm leaving. I'll be 300 miles away from home. Not only away from my family whom I adore, but from the ones I've developed such wonderful relationships with. My friends whom I've had for years, for example, who have been there for me since we've met. Even people who I met not too long ago. Part of the beautiful life God has blessed me with, is those who he connected me with! Now don't get me wrong, I'm still super excited to begin this next and huge step of my life. College is where you find yourself! Where you become the person God has intended for you to be. And I'm eager to become that. But I just want to take this time to appreciate those who have left a footprint on my heart. I'm already crying lol, so if you do, just let the tears flow.  Thank you.  For the support, love, friendship, kinship, good times, bad times, mistakes, mishaps, drama, laughs, tears, smiles, gossip, just freakin...

Going So Fast?

I can't be the only one on the quarter system, right? Oh...I am? Well at least that's how it see,s this week as all of my High School friends are off to college! Among the pack, some are going to the beloved MSU and U of M. Others are headed north for schools like GVSU and SVSU. And then there are the few going to Upper Peninsula (Michigan Tech) and even New York (Syracuse)!     And then there's me. I still have a whole 12 days until I leave, and that's only for a cultural program. I don't move in until September 16th, and I don't even start classes until September 24th! Crazy! Due to this, many a thoughts have been running through the mind of Sierra. Here are most of them:   And just gonna continue to wait       Logging onto social media sucks: Because everyone keeps posting pictures of their campuses, dorm rooms, or their countdown apps that say "0 days remaining". Quarter system peeps have to look at that stuff and dream! Don...

My Best Twistout Yet!

Hello to all of my Blissers! I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it! Seriously! As I remind you all daily it may seem, I'm au natural. So this comes along with a lot of maintenance. Most times, I do a "Wash and Go" to my hair (washing, moisturizing, and letting your natual curl patter do the rest). But refreshing my hair daily has become a strain and I'm just plain bored. So, I decided to revisit a staple style for many, the twist out! I would do them much more often than I do (my last twistout was 5 weeks ago)! But they never turn out right for me! Well, this time, something worked! Today's twistout is the So, without further ado, here it is! OR click HERE to watch it on YouTube   All of the products I used are in the info section of my YouTube video, so just search "sieboone" and you'll find me. You can also find that magically wonderful gel that I use on my edges at Walmart and any Beauty Supply store. It's ...

Day 19!

  Wow!   I honestly cannot believe that I've made it this far on the #31WriteNow challenge! Not only have I gotten much more traffic, I am loving the topics I come up with and the fact that others like them as well. I went from barely blogging to becoming a blog-a-holic. Last night while on FaceTime, I was like "WAIT! I forgot to blog!"   That's how serious this has become! But anyways, today's post comes along with a video! Yessiree, since I only have 14 days until I leave for college, I need to get back in the hang of making and editing videos. If only I had a MacBook. Oh well! On to the video!!        I know the square is tiny, I still have to get better with all this conversion business! But if you'd rather just have the link to the video, here it is:   Click on it and you can watch over at YouTube! Do you use any staple products, whether you're natural or not? Like, ...

Eat 'Em Up

Eat em up, Tigers!!!  That's what they did, and I was there to see it. Yes, I saw the Detroit Tigers wipe out the Royals today. The game was awesome.  But the best part wasn't seeing the home run or the great catches, it was being surrounded by Wildcats! Yes, the purpose of going to the game was to meet up with Detroit area NU admits and alumni! I got so much advice and nuggets and wisdom on:  • My major (journalism) • The Black community at a predominantly white institution • Relationships (with boys & friend wise) • Joining Clubs          - Pledging into a sorority And a bunch more!  Today confirmed that Northwestern is the place for me. Good times with good people.  XOXO -Si

Will Work for Strength

What can I say, life is good. But, as known to many, it is also unfair. The best of us get knocked down sometimes. Life doesn't care who you are. People let us down. We fail at things we may try hard at. We lose friendships. We scrape our knees and shed some tears. But, instead of being the grumpy dwarf, I like to think of a solution. It's okay to be sad. In fact, it's much better than holding that emotion inside of you to bubble up and explode. At some point, we must pick ourselves up and try try again, just as Aaliyah said. Failing inevitably makes us wiser. Tears become lessons learned. The sad days you may be enduring will soon be of the past.  Sometimes, it's easy to look at where we want to be, compare that to where we are now, and feel unaccomplished. But, if you would look at where you are now compared to where you've come from, you'd pick your head up in confidence!  So if life has chosen you to be its captive for now, take what it has to give you. But ...

Ankara Blues

Ankara Blues by sierra-lanae featuring peplum tops

Blue Genes

Also, I just wanted you guys to see this. IT'S CRAZY!  Below, you will find my grandmother in a photo around her college graduation time. Now, before you wonder why I'm freaking out, here is the same photo next to a picture of me. Now, you must understand! I always thought I favored my grandma, but not this much! The resemblance is actually scary! Wow. At least now I know how I'll look when I'm her age, not too shabby if I do say so myself.  Are the genes strong in your family? Did the apple not fall to far from the tree? I'm sure I'm not the only one. Until next time, XOXO -Si

It's My Prerogative

Bobby Brown is most famous for saying it, but do the rest of us understand it? Yes?  If we did, would so many people judgmental of others? I doubt it. When we count ourselves as better than someone else due to any reason, it says more about our character than theirs. Nothing should compel us to believe that we are more of a human being than someone else. Hello, is it not the year 2013?! Why is this even still an issue? Whether it's based on skin color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, vernacular, dialect, or even past, no one has any right to discredit a person of their humanity. Everyone has faults, and the man who believes himself not to...he has a bigger fault. So, who is the judge to determine which fault is better than another? Let me answer that one for you, nobody. All we need is love.  No, don't leave! Before you start calling me a hippie, stop and think about that last sentence. If we could, as a people, love one another regardless, just think how better the world w...

I'm NOT Slacking!

It just dawned on me that the last post you guys could see what from the 9th. Do not beware! I've posted since then. The Blogger app for iPhone is so crappy that it didn't even publish them! How rude.  Need proof? The posts titled, "Grab Those Scissors" and "Oops" were posted not today! Well...attempted to be posted. But, no fear. As of now they are published and up to read. Shout out to all of my readers. You guys rock. Thank you isn't enough to show my gratitude.  Peace! XOXO -Si


So I definitely meant to blog yesterday as a part of the challenge. But boy, was I busy!! I woke up early, headed to my church, and helped put on our car wash. We worked our butts off lathering, rinsing, and waxing cars. We also had a BBQ.  It was a success! We brought in a total of $300! The proceeds go towards our youth ministry. SO, after the car wash, I went to my friends graduation party. I stayed for an hour and went to another grad party.  The second party was an all night event, but being I had to speak at church today, I left around 11:00 pm. Phew! I was so tired by the time I got home.  But the good thing about busy days is that they keep you involved. I'd rather be busy than bored. Today marks 22 days until I depart! What's been your busiest day? Tell me all about it. Also, I really really really appreciate those of you who have checked out my blogs lately. You guys are awesome, da BOMB , off the chaaaaaiiiin. Okay you get it. But really, thank you all. Yo...