If only I could get Seventeen Mag do send me a free years subscription...or even retweet my Happy Birthday tweet!! Oh well. I'm seventeen today and it feels pretty good. What's even crazier? The common app college application opened yesterday. This is crazy, I never thought this year would come so fast! SLOW DOWN PUH-LEASE!!! How was your seventeenth birthday? Or are you ready to turn 17?
No, not BFB, the popular song by Victoria Justice, something different. IFB, which stands for Independent Fashion Bloggers is hot hot hot and I as a blogger will be keeping up with their tips and tricks for a while. The website consists of all types of help for fashion bloggers, and even for those who aren't specifically fashion like me, this site is STILL a ton of help! There are all types of networking tips, topic help, and not to mention it's a website crafted for fashion (did I mention it was hot hot hot?)! I highly reccomend that if you are a fashion blogger, or just a blogger, or even a lover of fashion, that you don't sleep on IFB. And hey, you might see me on there one day........... It's a stretch, but you just might. XOXO -S
Here's a wild fact: I graduate in less than a week. And even though I've known that fact for a while now (except, maybe, right before my econ final), it's still not real enough. I still cannot fathom how these last four years flew by but at the same time went excruciatingly slow. It's been a hell of a ride, let me tell you. Northwestern was my dream school for as long as I can remember. I applied early decision because there was never another option for me, honestly. I wanted to go to the best journalism school, despite snarky remarks from classmates insinuating that I wasn't good enough. And when I got in , honey, excited was an understatement. I started my first day of college in 2013. And now I'll be walking across a stage to get this expensinve diploma in a week. I can't say it's all been pleasant - because it hasn't. It's been a tough ride many days, some I wondered if this day would ever come. Some I felt so isolated and alone that I f...
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