Getting Personal: Designing Period Products?
Yes, you read the title correctly! Designing pads, containers, the whole nine?!
"WHAT?! Whose idea was this?"
Kotex did!
"Why would they start THAT?!"
It's simple, their ready to Ban the Bland! And what I mean is, just because it's your pad, doesn't mean it has to be booorrrriiiiinnng!
"So, what do YOU think about it Sierra?"
It's about time!!!! Let's get rid of the grayscale era of feminine care! Let's give it some edge! So why am I telling you this? Because there is a Contest!!!
YOU could win a trip to FASHION WEEK!
Ban the Bland Design Challenge
Enter the Ban the Bland Design Challenge for a chance to win 1 of 3 trips to New York City where you will meet/work with a fashion designer to create a feminine care related item/accessory that may be sold at retail !
To enter the contest, click here!
Good luck to all of you :)
"WHAT?! Whose idea was this?"
Kotex did!
"Why would they start THAT?!"
It's simple, their ready to Ban the Bland! And what I mean is, just because it's your pad, doesn't mean it has to be booorrrriiiiinnng!
"So, what do YOU think about it Sierra?"
It's about time!!!! Let's get rid of the grayscale era of feminine care! Let's give it some edge! So why am I telling you this? Because there is a Contest!!!
YOU could win a trip to FASHION WEEK!
Ban the Bland Design Challenge
Enter the Ban the Bland Design Challenge for a chance to win 1 of 3 trips to New York City where you will meet/work with a fashion designer to create a feminine care related item/accessory that may be sold at retail !
To enter the contest, click here!
Good luck to all of you :)
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