......How to Stay Focused on Summer HW

Ah, summer. The beaches, the sun, the heat, and the good times. Everyone loves the carefree attitude that summer brings upon us. Waking up and not knowing what day it is (and, frankly, not caring).
Sit back and relax, it's summer!
But for a highly involved High Schooler like me, summer can also mean another thing: Summer Homework. No, not for summer school, for AP classes. And if you're a complete procrastinator (join the club), then you might totally forget about the homework. So here are some helpful tips so that you don't walk into to school with an automatic F.

My Load of Homework...notice my I-pod has a become a key study tool
  1. Spread the Load Out: Don't try to finish every single assignment within a week. It'll be full of errors and you'll be stressed to the max. When you spread the work out over the course of the summer, you give equal time to the beach and the books.
  2. Study Group!: Grab your closest friends and hit up the closest book store. When you're doing homework with the people you love, the time flies past. Not to mention the awesome oppurtunity to catch up on each others summers and drink some good ol' Starbucks. Just don't forget the real reason you're there.
  3. Don't Do Anything on an Empty Stomach: One day, you might wake up extremely determined and you might think, "Come on, homework! I'm ready for ya". But before you touch any type of highlighter, go and grab the Frosted Flakes. You'll end up working way more efficiently and you won't have to stop midway for a snack.
  4. If You Need a Break, Take One: If you've done 50 analysis questions and are drained, don't try to sqeeze in the last 20. Take them on after a nap or a snack, because a frustrated worker is not a good worker. But remember, this doesn't mean take 10 breaks...you won't get anything done.
  5. Ask the Teacher a Question if You Don't Understand: Don't try to be Bruce Almighty if you truly cannot figure out whether the narrative is told circularly or linearly. If you've taken a whack at it multiple times and still can't move forward, send your teacher an email. He'll be happier that you asked more than if you just bombed the question only for the sake of moving on.
There you go! Now after you've done everything, crack that book open and get to working! :)


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