Happy Shark Week!

Tis that time of the year! The scientists of the world are giddy, the teeth are sharp, and the nosey TV viewers like me just can't get enough of it!

Shark Week !!

Every night, viewers turn their Televisions to Discovery Channel and get the dish on the majestic creatures! From learning about their diets to tracking down the direction they swim in, it's all so entertaining.

Look at the jaws of this guy!
I love it because we get to learn so much more than just "Shark's Attacking Humans" or "Shark's Are Scary"! This year is even more breath taking with all the new technology they have ('they' being marine bioligists".

Did you know you're more likely to get bitten by another person than a shark?

Did you know that some female sharks can get pregnant without ever touching a male?

Catch Shark Week everyday at 9pm on the one and only Discovery Channel! Also, visit http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/shark-week/ to see cool shark videos and read some awesome "Did You Know's"

Hurry, the week is almost over!!



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