Mini Fashion Shoot!

Today was absolutely beautiful! My sister and I decided to show off our awesome poses and outfits... who doesn't like a good ol' fashion shoot!
Taken by myself! Plain Aeropostale shirt... Look at my earrings!

About to go in Ruby Tuesdays...strike a pose!

Smile to make the pain go away...My sunglasses are from PAYLESS!

You rock those crocs, Nadia!

FAVORITE NADIA POSE! So mysterious...

Those sunglasses were only 3 bucks!

I thank God for my perfect teeth! Lol

My Navy and Silver flats from Target <3

When it gets chilly, I throw on my FAVORITE blazer!
This was SO much fun to do! Just sitting outside a lovely restaurant taking pictures in the sunlight! Photography is like a hidden love of mine. I'd do it just for the heck of it! :) Tell me how you like this "Photo Shoot"!



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