Driving: A Bittersweet Milestone

Driving. A Nationwide known milestone that one can acces at the age of 16

For some, this opportunity is the one we've been waiting for all of our lives.

But, believe it or not, for others it isn't such a happy event.
For so many years, we've been in the passenger seat, our only care is what's out the window
But now...

We're behind the wheel
A ton of responsibility has been rested on our shoulders
Not only are we accountable for OUR driving, but others driving too
No more looking out the window, keep your eye on the road
GAS PRICES... enough said

Driving can be scary, but take these steps to ease the anxiety

  1. Breathe in...Breath out: You can do this. Millions of people are doing it, and you have tons of them to help you.
  2. Don't Worry, Be Happy: You're 16! This isn't only a step of responsibilty, it's also a step of indivisuality! Embrace it!
  3. Take things slow: You don't have to get your liscence right away, get a permit and practice with a family member. Go to a vacant lot or park and get comfortable before taking the plunge.
  4. Repetition: Keep driving. Just like learning how to ride a bike, you've got to keep doing it. Drive today. Drive tomorrow. Drive next week. You'll be a pro in no time.
  5. Go at YOUR best pace: Not your mom's. Not your dad's. Not the annoying lady next door who keeps asking you. YOUR best pace.

Hope this helps out. And hey, why wouldn't you be able to rock this? You're AWESOME :)



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