The 4 Friends EVERY Girl Should Have

High School is all about discovering yourself. Finding out what you want to do in life, testing out relationships, and developing bonds with new and old friends.

Moreover, High School days reflect largely on whom we spend them with. But choosing the RIGHT people to spend them with is very important.

In fact, what many people learn throughout their HS years is who their real friends are! So I give to you


1.) Study Partner. Hey, you need someone to help with that AP Lang homework, don't you?

2.) Advice Giver: For whenever you don't know if Johnny likes you, or whenever you need a second opinion on personal stuff.

3.) Good Times Girl: She'll NEVER turn down a shopping date. You can always count on her when you want a good time.

and last but not least...

4.) A Long Term Friend: You know. Your future Maid-of-Honor, your first child's godmother. The one who will be there... through thick and thin. :)

There you have it. But if you can find ALL of these people in one person, consider yourself lucky.



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