
Showing posts from August, 2011

Oh Yeah, I Am A Smart Kid

This is my schedule... PLEASE RULE OUT HEALTH CLASS My wonderful counselors forgot to put 'Media Productions' instead.... I'm going apologize right now just in case I don't blog as much as I should due to my busy schedule. :( What's YOUR schedule looking like? Let me know! Are you excited for school? XOXO -S

I Change My Mind!

Maybe I'm NOT so ready for school after all... Jumpstart (lame word for orientation) was today... and it allllll came back. What came back ? The things I'm NOT looking forward to: • Disrespectful boys • Girls with horrible attitudes • The "if-you-don't-wear-name-brand-clothing-we-will-shun-you" school wide attitude • HATERS! And more??? Don't get me wrong, I can't WAIT to see my best buds, but I'll be seeing them EVERYDAY. I just really hope and pray this will be a good year :) XOXO -S

First 'Debutante' Post Will Be Up...

SOON I PROMISE! <3 If you have no idea what I'm talking about, click here , read it, and expect more of it :)  XOXO -S

Back to School: Back to Love?

School starts in a week, and for many of us this means we'll be seeing our friends, teachers, and crushes. <3 Summer break is rumored to be the time on Love and summer flings, but with fall coming around, what happens to these flings? Yep, this is where the term, "cuffing season" comes into play. For this is when most relationships are started: Back to School Season Why do our hearts start to lone for a partner during the early school months? Here are some possibilities: Football season, the guys do look KIND OF hot in those pants, and the whole feel is romantic No one wants to be tied down during the summer, so flings usually become permanent Maybe the guy you were crushing on last school year will make a move this school year? The hot new kids in school! Football Relationship! Whatever the reason, guys & gals both know what I mean. And hey, relationships are fun, they keep people's spirits high. As long as you DON'T: ...

Song of the Day

SOTD is for someone who truly deserves it, Beyonce. She's been in the game for so long but she is STILL the queen! Last night on the VMA's she announced that she is pregnant with her first child. <3 I know that EVERYONE has been waiting for this "Finally, you put my LOVE on TOP!" I'm so happy for her :) XOXO -S

My Fellow Bloggers!

Have you heard of Her Campus ? YOU SHOULD HAVE?! It's ONLY the best guide to college and life for collegiettes (college girls) and pre-collegiettes (HIGH SCHOOLERS WHOOP!) Well, now they're giving girls (and guys!!) like us the chance to blog for them! Apply to be a Her Campus High School Blogger! Hey pre-collegiettes™ !  (High school girls, that’s you!) If you’ve always dreamed of a career in journalism, you’re not alone. As you probably learned in The Devil Wears Prada , an entry-level position at a magazine is something “a million girls would kill for.” But the industry is notoriously tough to break into. How can you get your foot in the door? For starters, Her Campus has an exciting program for high school bloggers. Now in its second year, the program is designed to give eager up-and-coming journalists a boost. High school juniors and seniors will chronicle their daily activities and experiences throughout the academic year on Her Campus's ...


Bridge to Bliss UPDATES!

Just an overview of some things I've been doing/plan on doing...and this isn't even all of it! I really wouldn't be able to do this without YOU the more feedback the better. I KNOW THE COMMENTING ON HERE IS JACKED UP so send a quick text/email/etc. and let me know how you're feeling :) Also, if you haven't already, go check out the New Video in the Exposure Thursdays Tab! Don't forget to send in your work to Ex. Thurs. if you have talent :) XOXO -S

Mini Fashion Shoot!

Today was absolutely beautiful! My sister and I decided to show off our awesome poses and outfits... who doesn't like a good ol' fashion shoot! Taken by myself! Plain Aeropostale shirt... Look at my earrings! About to go in Ruby Tuesdays...strike a pose! Smile to make the pain go away...My sunglasses are from PAYLESS! You rock those crocs, Nadia! FAVORITE NADIA POSE! So mysterious... Those sunglasses were only 3 bucks! I thank God for my perfect teeth! Lol My Navy and Silver flats from Target <3 When it gets chilly, I throw on my FAVORITE blazer! This was SO much fun to do! Just sitting outside a lovely restaurant taking pictures in the sunlight! Photography is like a hidden love of mine. I'd do it just for the heck of it! :) Tell me how you like this "Photo Shoot"! XOXO -S

Weekly Gratitude Journal

THIS IS THE VERY FIRST WEEKLY GRATITUDE JOURNAL! WHAT I'M GRAT EFUL FOR : - Life, Happiness, Love - The fact that I still have my ambition - The opportunity to be an HSA for two major publications - That my Video haul was accepted in time - Another day to finish my government homework! PEOPLE I'M GRATEFUL FOR : - Mom for all support - My sister blogger, Alexis, for watching my haul and being lame with me - My other sister blogger, Ericka, for chasing your dreams TOP FASHION WE SAW THIS WEEK : - Chanel - Rhianna - Harajuku Lovers XOXO -S

Song of the Day

Most people probably have never heard of this song, but HEY! That's what SOTD is all about, broadening your music horizons! While you're at it, look at all of the rest of the SOTD's!! I love this song because it's so jumpy and the beat is perfect for getting up and dancing! Enjoy! XOXO -S

I Am a Harajuku Lover!

NO, I AM NOT CALLING MYSELF NICKI MINAJ! I'm talking about Gwen Stefani's brand, "Harajuku Lovers!" I recently purchased a HL Bookbag! It's extremely cute! It's from Target !!! This is it! Isn't it adorable! The whole Back 2 School Line is titled "Geek is Chic"... I love it! Here's the back of it! This is the inside! It literally took me forever to make up my mind because there were SOO many cute book bags! Let's look at a few! I'm pretty sure by the time you see these you heart and mind will be made up! The halls will halt when you wear these! So different! Ka-yute! Like I said, you can get some fab bags like these at Target  or on the HL website, Karmaloop . Get away from those plain old bookbags, do something new! XOXO -S

I'm Very Nervous!

Why am I jittering in my (really cute) pants? Cruising through Facebook and I noticed that today is EXACTLY A WEEK before Seventeen Mag and JCP announce their TOP TEN HAULS! If you haven't been keeping up with the B2B (shame on you!), then you probably don't know that about a week or so ago I entered a Video Haul  of me showcasing some cute outfits that I bought from JCP. Next week, September 2nd, the Top Ten finalists' videos will be shown... And will be voted on afterwards. The person with the most votes gets an ALL EXPENSE PAID trip to NEW YORK CITY! wait, there's more! The winner also gets to tour the SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE OFFICES AND BE A GUEST BLOGGER!! So what if I don't get the most votes? I STILL GET AN APPLE IPAD!! AND A $500 GIFT CARD TO JCP! So please: Keep me & my video in your prayers! Keep viewing my video here , the more views the more attention Keep coming to the B2B for an update! XOXO -S

Officially a Chanel Freak!

Love <3! Everyone seems to have their signature brand; whether it's Coach, Louis Vuitton, or Gucci. Many people are known for what they wear and what they prefer. For years, I've been all over the place !  And while I'm not saying that NOT having a sig. brand is a bad thing, you look so much more sophisticated when you DO have a sig! Ladies and Gentlemen... I have found my brand lover! Chanel! Why do I love it so? L.C. in a Fab bag! It's so classic! Chanel bags are so simple, yet extremely elegant! They aren't gaudy like other brands, yet they don't look like nothingness either! They surely top an outfit off! Travel in STYLE! Too many people believe that style is throwing EVERY SINGLE trendy item together. It's not! Chanel to me is... vintage chic :) If I ever become famous, look out for the Double C's on my arm! I'm in love... again What's YOUR signature brand? Comment and let me know!! XOXO...

The Era of Rihanna

Need I say more? It blows my mind to remember Rihanna as the preppy girl with ponytails and brown mascara. She has slowly but surely moved her way into the edgy badass black-mascara-wearing girl we know today. Some of her very first hits, "Pon De Replay" and "S.O.S." are SO much different from today's hits, "Rude Boy" and "Man Down". Rihanna may be different, but boy has she still got some style! Look at her get-ups from over the years! Which year is your fave? It's a tie between 2007 and 2009 for me! XOXO -S



Reaching Your Dreams: What You Gotta Do!

Turn your dreams into reality with these tips from Seventeen ! Stay on track and remember, NEVER GIVE UP! Visit Seventeen's website to read more on accomplishing your goals! Fashion Designers look here! All of you radio! Next Katie Couric? Keep readin' This is allllllll me ;) Oh Seventeen... please hire me one day :) XOXO -S

Song of the Day

"You're like my favorite song on the radio, radio" Cody Simpson literally came out of nowhere! It's really weird, and a lot of people are comparing him to Justin Bieber... but I don't agree. I think Simpson has his own pop flair. And this song's chorus is SO catchy! So enjoy! XOXO -S  

Ree Lax Zay Shun

Ree Lax Zay Shun by sierra-lanae featuring beading earrings This is truly an outfit I'd wear to school....maybe with lower heels :D. Boho chic inspired, laid back feel. Added a touch of edge with the feather earrings.... I'd probably pair this outfit with a large brown cross back purse and a beanie :) I LOVE FALL FASHION! XOXO -S

Song of the Day

Hey, you might laugh that this is a Nickelodeon boy-band. But the songs are SO catchy!! And Carlos is SO cute! :P Carlos Pena... Hotness!!! XOXO -S

Fabulous Summer

Two of my favorite outfits, which one is your fave? This could decide what I wear on the First Day of school! _________________________________________________________________ Outfit #1: A plain yellow/gold Aeropostale polo, with satin cargo-ish capris. The capris has ties at the end of each leg. I'm wearing high white flip flops, the thong is gold to match the polo. A high ponytail. Outfit #2: Navy green plain 3/4 arm length shirt paired with navy green cargo capris. Over the shirt is a gray Arizona blazer, it stops before my waist. You cannot see my gray flats with sequins. A high tucked-pony. ___________________________________________________________________ Also, If you haven't already, please vote for the hair-do of your choice! Its a post down! ENCOURAGE YOUR FRIENDS TO FOLLOW MY BLOG PLEASE! ALSO, IF YOU ARE NOT FOLLOWING ME, PLEASE DO SO!!! I really don't need followers  THE MORE FOLLOWERS, THE MORE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU! I REALL...

New Year, New Do!

Hmm.... I'm tired of braids D: So, I'll be taking them out any week now!! The thing is... I don't know what to get afterwards!!! HELP ME OUT! Watch the video!! Please comment with your feedback :) XOXO -S

Getting Personal: Designing Period Products?

Yes, you read the title correctly! Designing pads, containers, the whole nine?! "WHAT?! Whose idea was this?" Kotex did! "Why would they start THAT?!" It's simple, their ready to Ban the Bland! And what I mean is, just because it's your pad, doesn't mean it has to be booorrrriiiiinnng! "So, what do YOU think about it Sierra?" It's about time!!!! Let's get rid of the grayscale era of feminine care! Let's give it some edge! So why am I telling you this? Because there is a C o n t e s t ! ! ! YOU could win a trip to FASHION WEEK! Ban the Bland Design Challenge Enter the Ban the Bland Design Challenge for a chance to win 1 of 3 trips to New York City where you will meet/work with a fashion designer to create a feminine care related item/accessory that may be sold at retail ! To enter the contest, click here ! Good luck to all of you :) XOXO -S

Check out my Haul!

This has truly been a hectic week. There is really no need to repeat that I am a Seventeen Magazine freak. Recently, Seventeen paired up with JCPenny to launch the JCP Haul Nation. For those of you that don't know what a haul is, it's basically a video that a person makes after they buy fab stuff from a store, and they showcase the clothes in the vid. The contest rules were to buy something from JCPenny and do a haul on it and then post said haul on the Haul Nation Facebook app. The due date was Aug. 20th. You think my video would have been in a WHILE ago...huh? NOPE I've been begging my mom all month to take me, long-story-short, I didn't get the clothes until the day before the deadline, and didn't get to record until 2 hours before said deadline! You can IMAGINE my anxiety!! Alas, my haul was accepted and is now able to be viewed. To view it, just click here . Yes, I know there is no thumbnail :( I'm really trying to stay positiv...

New Series to Come: Weekly Gratitude Journals!

I actually got this idea from OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network)! The concept of a WGJ will just me pulling all of the extravagant events that happen over a week and saying what I'm grateful for! Maybe i'll borrow a concept from Glamour Mag and also add a "Most Fab Hair, Outfits, and Makeup of the week" Don't know when the series will start, but it will come soon! XOXO -S

More to Think About


OLD NAVY: Fit and Flare!

Have any of you seen the Old Navy commercials lately? They're full of Flare Leg jeans. <3 I'm in love! Not only do Flares look vintage chic, they also elongate your legs! I got to try on a pair! How were they: • OK. A little to long for a petite girl • If you are curvy like moi, they can be snug in the hips • Overall, nice fit... check out my photo! XOXO -S

Become a Seventeen Entertainment Blogger!

YES I AM SERIOUS! Many of you know that I am a seventeen freak... so when they put out a contest, yes I'm on board! Introducing, the Buzznet Blogger contest! BTW: Yes, I have already applied... still applying! If you'd like to vote for me, please click here !!! Keep reading for how to apply yourself <3 The Summer of Buzz HERE'S THE DEAL! We’re looking for the best content creators in 4 categories: Pop Culture, Music, Fashion, and Art/Photography.  Each category will be judged by the Buzznet Editors , Seventeen Magazine Editors , and additional esteemed judges with expertise in each area of competition.  All 4 winners will become official Buzznet bloggers , and will have the opportunity to have a weekly featured post on the Buzznet homepage for one full year!  All contestants will also be considered to become official bloggers. PANEL OF JUDGES: Music Blogging Competition Prizes: Weekly Featured Music P...

Seventeen Mag, DIY Fashion!

This tee is absolutely gorgeous! Can you say hitting up Michael's today?? :D This is really cool, you couldn't even tell it was DIY, which makes it all the more better :) Find more vids like this at Seventeen XOXO -S

Song of the Day

How many of us were true Disney Channel watchers? I mean during the GOOD shows: That's so Raven Lizzie McGuire (spell check) Phil from the Future  The Proud Family You KNOW what I'm talking about Well I was reminiscing the good ol' Disney days and a song got stuck in my head. Not only was it one of my fave Disney songs (and still is), it totally relates to the B2B! Ahh, quality Disney :'(. I really am growing up BTW; this is the 1 0 0 t h! Post!! Yay! XOXO -S 


Please, if you have talent or a friend with talent.... apply! Click on the Exposure Thursday tab! By putting yourself out there, you could end up like her!

Internship Opportunity!

Find more awesome internships like this one from The Intern Queen ! Are you a music, fashion, art, television, and pop culture freak? Are you always known to have to coolest skins on your laptop/ipod? Are you technology savvy? Apply to become a Social Media Intern for Music Skins! Why you should apply! You can work from home, it's a virtual internship! How many places do you know have awesome internships for high schoolers??? Your resume will thank you It will be FUN!! Internship Duties:       -Brooklyn based entertainment and merchandise company MusicSkins ( click here to view website ) is now accepting applications for its 2011 into 2012 internship programs. As an intern you will be working with our senior executives, including our VP of Online Marketing and our Social Networking and Online Media Manager. You will also be helping with our social media campaigns (Twitter / Facebook), posting blog entries, and helping spread the Mu...

Some Inspiration


What is Beautiful to you?

Does it mean pretty hair? Blue eyes? Tanned skin? Everyone has a different take on Beautiful, and many people try to alter themselves to fit that description. But I just want to let you know, You can't be more gorgeous than you already naturally are I was scrolling through a friends Tumblr page yesterday and came across a picture of a boy. No, I'm not gushing about how cute he is, but about his natural beauty. We'll let the picture explain... "Cuz you're amazing, just the way you are" He has skin condition named Vitiligo , where a person begins to lose skin pigment. As most of you know, the late Michael Jackson also had the condition and went through quite a lot for it. But what I love about this boys picture is the confidence that he bleeds. It says, "Yes, I look different than most people... I'm still cute". So whenever you look in the mirror and don't quite like what you see, whenever Jenny Jones seems like the ...