Oh Boy, I Relapsed!! / Day 6!

Apologies to everyone who has been checking the Bridge to Bliss for my blog posts of November's 30 Day Writing Challenge!

My mom and sisters came to visit me on campus this weekend, so the past few days have been dedicated to entertaining them and showing them a great time.

However, never fear!! I am back and going to put some real elbow great into finishing days 6-9 of the challenge!!


And without further ado...

Day 6: Someone who fascinates you and why

 I am very much a people-watcher. I often enjoy sitting back and observing others' actions. One person in particular who fascinates me is President Obama. He is so far removed from "normal" life that I wonder how he (and his family) interact with each other and with the greater public at large. When I was going to homecoming/prom in high school, my father was unbelievably over-protective. How does a president speak to his daughter's date to the dance? When I started writing for MadameNoire.com, I received some insulting tweets and even had people blogging about me. But his whole life is under public scrutiny. Of course, as a journalist, I'd love to interview him and ask him these questions. But in the case that this never happens, he will always fascinate me.


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