Day 5 of November's 30 Day Writing Challenge

Day 5: A place you would live, but have never visited

Ohhh boy do I have the answer to this! So, I'm going to break the rules a little bit and do a domestic place and an international place, because this is my blog and I can.

Domestic Place:
  • Atlanta, GA
    • Ohhhhhh Atlanta. Hotlanta. Though I've never been to Atlanta, I've heard so many good things about the place. Culturally, Blackness thrives. Financially, it competes with NYC and Chicago. Artistically, it cannot be beat (the music scene, the visual art scene, all sooooo beautiful!) In addition to the fact that the weather there is beautifully warm (living in the midwest all of my life has been quite tiring), Atlanta has an abundance of Black people doing dope things. I could only hope to live there succesfully and fiercely, kind of like Mary Jane Paul. Right?
International Place:
  • Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
    • Upon learning Portuguese, I would sooooo love to live in THIS SPECIFIC TOWN in Brazil. Why specifically Bahia? It's known for it's thriving Afro-Brazilian culture. For a lot of the same reasons I love the idea of Atlanta, I admire Bahia. I've heard of the beautiful cobblestone alleys and the musical/dance culture. The churches and the clothing and just the overall feeling of being there and so proud of your identity that you incorporate into every aspect of daily life - I die! Capoeira? I would love to learn it. 


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