Day 2 of November's 30-Day Writing Challenge

Day 2: Your earliest memory

Hmmmm.......I'm not sure I remember. I sure don't remember sliding out of my momma, thank God.

I think I'm going to go with when my mom finally came home with my little sister. I had just turned four in August, and it was October. My sister was born on the 13th, but sadly she had contracted pneumonia, so she had to stay in the hospital. I just remember having to take trips to the hospital to see my mom and being confused as to why she couldn't come home.

I would be at home with my dad, sit in my room and play with my Barbie dolls, and wait. What else was a 4-year-old to do? I had no idea what pneumonia even was, and no one really took the time to explain it to me. Thinking back on it now, I really realize how worried my parents must have been. Grown men and women die every day of pneumonia, and Kaychel (my sister's name) was not even a week old.

But fast forward to when they finally came home. My dad was so happy, I think he cried. I was home with my grandma until they came back, because he had gone to pick them up. And when they came I yelled "Ma!!!" And I saw my sister for the first time!


Fast forward again, she just turned a whole 16 years old in October 2015, and I'm sooooo glad Ma brought her home to me.



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