Day 3 of November's 30-Day Writing Challene

Day 3: Your first love and first kiss; if separate, discuss both 

My first love and first kiss are most definitely separate instances. I'll go in the order of which they happened.

Happened in elementary school, I wish I were joking (I don't...YOLO). To a kid that I had a crush on. It was nap time, and obviously we weren't napping. All I really remember was making faces at each other and then my mind draws a blank until we reached and kissed each other, all the while still laying on our separate cots. Clearly I had the juice even way back then ;)

Oh boy, I definitely remember this one. Jeez, it's only day 3 and we're already into my love history? Anyway, my first love was my first (real) boyfriend ever. We met when I was a freshman in high school. He was a junior. We were in the same phys-ed class and after a few weeks of me not noticing him, one of my friends told me that he had a crush on me. At first, I was like "NO! What?" Then we started talking and...yep...he got me. We were together for a whole 3 years.

Sadly, that love didn't stand the test of time. Or the test of heart break. I'm better now, to the point where I can discuss this without being sad, but I will tell you that that relationship pulled on my heart for at least 2 years even after we broke up. It was then that I realized how deep a person can make you fall for them. And how hard you can hit the ground. Regardless, he'll always be my first love.



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