Day 8 #NovemberWritingChallenge

Day 8: A book you love and one you didn't 

A book that I love and will always recommend others to read is Michelle Alexander's "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness." It's not a flowery fictional book, but it should honestly be a required reading in every university across the country. I read it my freshman year and I can say without a doubt that it still influences me in my studies, my work, and my goals for the future.

Another book that I love (sorry this goes against the rules, oh well) is James Baldwin's "Giovanni's Room." This is fiction and I read it this year for my Queer Literature class. It's a beautiful yet tragic love story that brought me to tears and laughter. This is another book that I highly recommend!


A book that I didn't like was, unfortunately, Fran Ross' "Oreo." I'm really sad, because the reviews of the book really raved about it and I really wanted to love it, but I didn't. The humor was way too "try hard" for me. Also, the way it was written was pretty awkward. I found myself never being able to pay attention to the pages for long without dozing off. Oh well. Onto the next one?



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