So Long, 2012!

It's time to meet my new love, 2013 ! This is crazy because I seriously still remember the beginning of 2012 like it was yesterday. Now we're onto 2013! I not only graduate from HS this year, but I start college at Northwestern! I can't help but to wonder in my mind, "Where did the time go?" It's a new season, a new day, a fresh anointing! And though many people criticize them and label them as corny, I do have a few New Years resolutions that I plan on taking care of: Getting closer to God Blogging more Let go of fake friends Stop being a doormat Be happy with the skin I'm in Be more forgiving and less judgmental (this is a BIG one) These are the most important things to me. I need everything to be FINALIZED in 2013; who's with me, where I'm going, and who I am. All of this adds to me becoming a better me. Do any of you have any resolutions or plans for improvement? How do you plan on getting them done? How are you spen...