I bet you looked at the title of this post and thought, "Huh?"

Well it's true, I've fooled everyone I know recently!

How? Well I'll let you see for yourself...

Look at that tiny sparkle on my nose!
Yes, my nose! It would appear that I have a nose piercing!

But I don't!!!

Yes, it indeed is NOT a nose piercing. It's a magnetic nose ring that I bought as a trial run before I get the real one. To get some feedback, I uploaded a pic of me with it on to instagram, and everyone was fooled!!

Not only did I get many compliments and "Wow! You got your nose pierced?!", but someone even asked "Where did you get yours done?" Boy oh boy was my day made.

I probable could've even fooled my mom if she didn't buy it! Thanks to all of the feedback I received, my decision has been made: I am most definitely getting one! It'll be a bit smaller than the trial ring, though.

But the question now is when????

I'm not sure, maybe I'll wait until after I graduate and turn 18, maybe I'll go before then! Maybe..... the world will never know!

Now that my moment of foolery is gone, how have YOU guys been? What do YOU guys think about a potential piercing?



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