Say it loud!

So I bet you looked at the title of this post and thought, "Where is this coming from?"

Is someone being racist to Sierra?
Has Sierra been harrassed?
Is Sierra having an identity crisis?

Hold your horses, there is no trauma going on in my life (other than the car accident I got into today, deetz coming later), but I have come to some conclusions:

  1. A lot  of Blacks are, dare I say, ASHAMED TO BE BLACK!! And it truly hurts my heart to see that many are doing everything in their will to not "be black"!
  2. Today's media seems to be anti-not-white. Not only blacks, but also Hispanics, Asians, and Arab Americans are depicted negatively and stereotyped DAY AFTER DAY! Being someone who wants to go into media, I really hope to change this.
  3. Racism is still alive and bustling....in 2012! No matter how incredibly idiotic this is, we cannot ignore that it is the truth.

When I look in the mirror and see myself, I see a beautiful, strong, passionate black young lady who has a great future and much much potential. It's sad to know that some will see me, and others like me, and be disgusted or have prejudiced thoughts. It's even sadder realizing that people who look like me will look in the mirror and hate what they see!


I really don't know. But as the saying goes, I want to be a part of the solution and not the problem. Nevertheless, whoever you are, whether you're black or white or Korean or WHATEVER, love the skin you're in! And if you find yourself being prejudice sometimes, step back from the situation and maybe think why you feel this way towards a certain type of person.

That's all folks!



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