#DIY Daze

Hello all again!
Happy holidays and all that jazz....

Just blogging to show my latest creation, AFRICAN PRINT CROSS BODY BAG!

And I made it all by myself (well, my mom did help me)!

And, boy was it a process. I had to keep cutting and sewing and threading and measuring. But all of the hard work paid off with a very chic purse to carry.

Though this isn't really my finished project (still want to tighten up the strap and give it a lining), it's 97% done. Want a look?

I mostly love it because of the print. Remember the post I made a little while ago oozing love for African printed fashions? Well, when I glanced at the African printed granny blouse in my local thrift store, I couldn't pass it up!

What do you think? How do you like the print?

How's your winter break going?



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