Potter Fans Don't Play!!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 has toppled over all of the motion pictures with a gross of $168,550,000 in its first weekend! Leave it to Harry to break a record! I can believe it though, over 3/4 of my friends are Potter geeks :)!!! When it comes to me, I'm a total Transformers fan (which had a gross of $21,250,000 in its opening week). Trailing behind in third place is Disney's Winnie the Pooh. I don't know why, but past the very first movie, I could never really get into Harry Potter. Maybe it's because I know magic isn't real? Nah. I know robots aren't real either but I love them....hmm. I do think Ron (Rupert Grint) Weasley is kind of cute, though.

Whatever the reason be, the Potters have spoken, and they've got a lot of voice! Hey J.K. Rowling, think you'll throw something else out there just for the sake of it?

What about you? are YOU a Potter fan? What's your favorite movie of the series?

Look at the top ten movies on the "Movies To See" tab >>>>>

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