..........Disney Channel: Make Your Mark!

So if you watch Disney Channel or any type of television, you've heard of the "Shake it Up" contest going on, Make Your Mark. MYM is a dance contest (inspired by dancers off of the Disney TV show) open to kids ages 8-16 to bust their moves and get a chance on national TV! Contestants can be in a group up to four peeps and the video can't be over 45 seconds long. Winners (there are 6 winners/teams) get an all-expense-paid trip to Hollywood and get to compete in a television Dance off!!

Cool right! I don't know why, but I'm a sucker for contests....and apparently I'm not the only one!
My sister, Nadia, and our next door neighbor, Amara have entered! I couldn't believe it, being they're only ten ha! But without further ado, Nadia's and Amara's Dance to "Twist My Hips"

Here they are! When they are officially added to the website, I'll post the link and furiously tell everyone to Vote Vote Vote them...Hey, maybe they can pull some strings for me ;)

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