Love is Louder

I'm apart of the movement, are you?

After all of the teenage lives that were lost to suicide in September of 2010, actress Brittany Snow started the Love is Louder campaign.

"This movement strives to amplify the momentum of other inspiring online campaigns and invite anyone who has felt mistreated, misunderstood or isolated into the conversation. We are here to raise the volume around a critical message -- that love and support is more powerful than the external and internal voices that bring us down, cause us pain and make us feel hopeless."
I can dig it!

I love it! Finally, a movement made to conserve the lives of my peers! I'm a supporter, and hopefully my support will continue the chain reaction. My favorite slogan so far is, "Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect". I agree totally being a high school student. Everyday there are pressures to wear the perfect clothes, have the perfect face and the perfect body. This campaign will enforce the reality that no one is perfect, and that girls are beautiful 'just the way they are' as Bruno would put it. As many stars as Vanessa Hudgens, Victoria Justice, Zendaya, and Taylor Swift have joined the force.

Your turn next!
Demi representing!

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