Happy Birthday to...

My natural hair!! Yes, today is the 1st anniversary of when I went natural, A.K.A. my "naturalversary!"

It's been a long, long time coming but I am proud of myself and my hair endeavors.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, going natural-or returning natural-can be defined as:
  • When a woman (or man) with naturally curly, coily or kinky hair wears their hair in its natural state after having been wearing it straight or chemically altered for any amount of time.
While we're at it, it's probably best that you know what a perm is if you already don't, so click here!

So basically, on February 24, 2013, I threw away all of my harmful hair products, put away my straightener/flat irons, and attempted being natural. What can I say?

It was horrid. 

When I first wore my hair natural (left), and today...actually yesterday (right). Big difference!
Not only did I have no idea what I was doing (it was supposed to be a twist out), but I also had little to no ample supplies or products to do a good style. I also was dealing with at least a years worth of heat damage that at the time I didn't even know I had. So basically, it was a mess.

But BOY am I glad I didn't quit!

Happy naturalversary to me! My 'fro today.
 Through trial and error, YouTube and help from others, I've come to develop a great relationship with my hair. Of course, I am not my hair, but my hair is a way to express myself!

Throughout this past year, I've:
  1. Dyed my hair purple (I don't regret it!) 
  2. Done countless twistouts. Each time I thought I had the perfect technique, it was documented.
  3. Gotten tired of my hair and vented about feeling stuck. 
  4. Fallen right back in love with my hair!
  5. Taken a hiatus from my hair and wore braids, twists or etc.
  6. Had compliments on my 'do
  7. Been given weird "what the...?" looks as well
  8. Felt ashamed about my unconventional hair
  9. Not given a rats poop about society's messed up standards and have been happy to be nappy!
  10. ...tons more

What I hope to communicate to you all is that it hasn't been all good, but it darn sure hasn't been all bad. I guess I can say having natural hair is like having a baby; the experiences it gives you are priceless, no one starts off good at it, and even with hardships I wouldn't trade it for anything.

And that's that.

Until next time, friends.



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