"I Trust You."

How many of you all have had struggles when it comes to those three little words? No, not the cliché "I love you," I'm talking about some with the same amount of...if not more...power.

I trust you.

Actually, we can even shorten them and come to the same root.


What is it? Search it in Google and you'll get

Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Well, dear Blissers, though I live a life that I cannot complain about, I have had my fair share of issues with trust. People let me down. People walk away. People straight up have just done a 180 degree switch up on me. And after observing others in their lives (aka their social media pages), I see that I'm not the only one. What better place to talk about it than the open forum of the B2B?

How easy it would be for our foreheads to have signs saying, "I trust you," and then not be let down by others. How easy it would be for mutual feelings to always be there, leaving no room for a let down. But you know what they say,
Ultimately, the betrayal of feelings and the loss of trust leads to the reluctance to trust again. It's a cycle. And not even just a cycle regarding romantic relationships! You can lose trust in:
  • Your employee or employer
  • Your family member
  • A friend
  • anyone!
But what I have learned is that this reluctance that we get after being betrayed, even though it appears to protect us, only hurts us. We lock our trust in a metal box with 10 passwords to get in, all the while thinking that this will guard us and keep us from making the "mistake" of being vulnerable again. My question is: But then what?

We push. We push away our potential! Potential friends, jobs, networking, and yes love interests. All while we claim to be protecting ourselves!

So I am pleading to all of my trust-burned blissers, and I am pleading to myself as well! To let it go. Life hits us in the face, people change, we get a switch up thrown on us. And it's perfectly fine to be thrown off track. But let the wounds heal instead of covering them up, and get that dirt off 'ya shoulders! I know it's not easy. But it's worth it.



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