Song of the Day

You know how this goes, a little inspiration paired with song to keep you going...or even just to keep you jumping along!

I'm sure most of you have heard of "Somebody That I Used to Know" by Gotye . And if you haven't, click on that link and give it a listen!! You'll be humming it while tapping your foot in no time.

Now, for those who HAVE heard the song, you cannot miss the almost addictive voice of Kimbra doing the female part of the song. I don't know, she reminds me of a Katy Perry....except the element of soul is kicked up x10. I'm in love with her music!!!

Here is one of my favorites, from her new album "Vows", called Settle Down.

WARNING: The video to this song is kind of...errr...creepy. But don't let that discourage you!! Though she could use better video ideas, her voice is still lovely. So give it a listen!!

Tell me how you feel about it!!!!



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