Check Out My Article!

Hello all,

Remember I said that I became a Jr. Correspondent for Well if you don't, I AM A JR. CORRESPONDENT FOR BROWNSTONE MAGAZINE!!! And I love it!

Brownstone reminds me of a baby Ebony Mag, a Honey Mag if you will (who remembers Honey magazine???)

The best part about being a JC is that I can write articles for the magazines website and get the experience I need to truly be a good journalist! So, without further ado, here is the link to my first published article on!!!!

This may be the first, but it is definitely not the last!!

Also, put your party hats on! This is the 200th post on The Bridge to Bliss!!! *round of applause*

So thank YOU, my dear blissers, for helping me along the way...I hope you all stay aroung for the next two hundred...four hundred...get it?!



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