Back to Busy!

Hello All!

Before I get to the main topic of this post, I'd like to vent a little: I'm going to talk about the Blogger app for iPhone and other Apple Inc. products..... I HATE IT!!! If you know me, you know I like to type using different colors and fonts and linking words and adding videos and such. But with the app, it's so hard!! The only thing I can do is add text (PLAIN text at that) and a cut off photo at the end of the post. BOO!

I wish I could throw tomatoes at the app!
But, anywho.....this post is about how busy my life is becoming! After my last week in Florida, I got an email saying that the first part of my summer homework for AP Lit is due on July 20th!!! EEK!!! I've got fourteen reflections to do by then.....maybe I shouldn't be blogging........ Oh well. In addition to my homework, I've got tons of other deadlines:
  1. Deadlines for Dormify
  2. Deadlines for Brownstone
  3. Deadlines for scholarships
  4. Deadlines for the B2B!!!
Not to mention that in a few months, I'll be full fledge in the college application process!!!! This means personal statements, essays, financial aid, visits (I'll be visiting Northwestern in less than a month!!!!), and decision letters.

He's afraid of decision letters just like I am!
But anyways, just keep me in high hopes that I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Man, why I do I love the rush of being busy so much???
Till next time



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