Welcome to the (Bae) Area!

It's been quite a year, my friends.

I returned to the United States after 3 months of interning in Argentina, and barely got to taste my grandma's collard greens before it was time to jet off again. But, this time, it wasn't to Evanston.

It was to San Francisco!!!

Sierra, WHY are you in San Francisco? 

Well, Northwestern just opened up a campus here for students interested in media, technology, and entrepreneurship.

Isn't this your last quarter of college?

Yep! Well, of undergrad at least. But don't worry! I'll see Evanston again in May.

You're moving around a lot!

I'm young wild and free! Not to mention, I'm job searching and being in the place where most of my prospects are headquartered is such a blessing.

View some photos of my first few days here, and if you're in the Bay? Let's grab some coffee, on me ;) Thanks to my bestie and fellow blogger, Jesse Sparks! You can check out his blog here!

My reaction walking into Spring quarter

Photographer: Jesse A. Sparks, check him out here.

Out of the darkness, into the marvelous light

This look: Jacket from Old Navy, top from Forever 21, jeans from H&M, AirMaxes from Nike, scarf from Aldo

The cast of Glee should hit me up

Thanks Argentina for the sunlight and warmth

Face details: lipstick is Kae from ColourPop and Marshmallow from Coloured Raine

The life of a #blkcreative

I'm a meme.

What was so funny? I have no clue.

Walked into the sunlight like...

Don't forget to follow me over on Instagram!

Until next time,



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