And I (continued...)
I love that
You are so in tuned with your hair
But not so attached
That you run from change
I admire
that you’ve turned away from the hate of your lips
and instead
have embraced them with bright colors and textures
and diverse as your soul
I smile
when you look in the mirror
And feel satisfied
When you shake your thighs
And laugh in joy
In approval
When you peek
at your poke
And walk better than
Tyra ever could
And even when you are
Your warmth brightens the entire room
You are light
You are truth
You are the moon
And the sun
You are everything
You are so in tuned with your hair
But not so attached
That you run from change
I admire
that you’ve turned away from the hate of your lips
and instead
have embraced them with bright colors and textures
and diverse as your soul
I smile
when you look in the mirror
And feel satisfied
When you shake your thighs
And laugh in joy
In approval
When you peek
at your poke
And walk better than
Tyra ever could
And even when you are
Your warmth brightens the entire room
You are light
You are truth
You are the moon
And the sun
You are everything
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