Using My Q-Redew Hair Steamer for the First Time

Hello all!!
So, for my birthday, I bought myself (yes, I buy myself gifts) a Q-Redew Handheld Hair steamer! Upon arriving back home from a business trip, I was SO excited to see the steamer waiting for me. For months, I've watched and read reviews that said the steamer boasts the following benefits for hair:
  • Easy moisturizing 
  • Easy detangling
  • Softening of hair
  • Opening of hair shaft
  • Makes hair more manageable 
Not too bad for some benefits, right? Anywho, I already knew that steam does wonders for hair and especially natural hair, but sitting under a hooded dryer for an hour is definitely for the birds.

Cue Q-Redew.

What can I say? I'm a believer!!!

I used the steamer to refresh an ollllllllld rod set/twist out/braid out that I wasn't yet ready to wash (since it's mid-week and I don't have time for that). Instantly I noticed that the Q-Redew seemed to melt the tangles away, I was able to pull the prongs through my hair with little to no effort!! My curls were also super defined and I honestly couldn't stop touching my hair because it was just that soft. I used it before and after applying product, and I noticed that the product actually soaked into my hair rather than sit on top of it which happens a lot to my low porosity strands.

Watch the video of me using it below! 

This is after I stretched the hair a bit with the banding method, so my definition (which was on fleek) was compromised for more length.

Look how soft it looks!!
Get your own HERE! Buy TODAY and get $10 off of yours!


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