Day 2 of Q-ReDOITALL + Heat Damage!!!

It's official: This Q-redew is a gift from God herself.

Yesterday, I used it to refresh an old rod set/ twist out/braid out because I was too lazy to wash my hair. "I'll just wash it during the weekend," I thought.

That was before I found out I have heat damage!!!!!

Yes; alas after my most recent hair straightening endeavor (see pics here of when it was straight), I found straight pieces of hair today while messing around in my head. Needless to say, I was and am still devastated. I've been natural for 2.5 years and I've always tried to be safe and keep my hair healthy.

So of course, my "I'll wash it later," thoughts flew out of my head with a swiftness and were replaced with "I NEED A PROTEIN TREATMENT ASAP," thoughts.

And when I got home, that's what I did, using:
  • Honey (for added moisture to the protein)
  • 1 Egg (great protein source)
  • 1 tablespoon of Mayo (great protein source)
  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt (more protein because I need it)
  • 1/2 of a banana (helps with moisture, breakage & frizziness)
  • JBCO (because I put that **** on everything)
I blended these ingredients up and liberally...and I do mean LIBERALLY applied the masque to my hair, paying extra attention to my heat damaged area which thankfully isn't much.
After that, I deep conditioned with my trustee Aussie 3 Minute Moist Miracle. I was skeptical of it at first because, let's be honest, I have Black hair and didn't trust it to give me the moisture I need. But boy was I wrong.

Anywho, I applied the DC and used my Q-Redew to aid the process.
This right here is the All-Star team of the hair world
I WAS AND AM SO VERY IMPRESSED, Y'ALL!! That Q-Redew of mine??? The! I didn't have to pre-detangle a single strand. And I swear I could feel the conditioner soak into my hair strands. So soft. So very soft. I never leave the DC on for the instructed 3 minutes (cause hello), but I honestly could have after the aided help of that steamer.
So yeah, I will keep you all updated on my get-rid-of-this-terrible-heat-damage adventure (box braids up next???) and I will also keep y'all in the know about the greatness of this steamer, which I'm convinced is never ending.

Until next time,



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