I AM (Everything)

It's been real, Bridge to Bliss.

That statement encapsulates my experiences since I've...abandoned...this blog. It's been real.

You know what's hilarious about life? It gives you the best it has. Full throttle.

What are you talking about, Sierra?

Since I've been gone (cue Kelly Clarkson), I've been living!
  • I finished my first year as a Northwestern Wildcat. Crazy! How many of you remember when I was blogging about how I soooooo badly wanted to get in? How many of you remember the blog post of when I found out about my acceptance? Yas.
  • I started my internship with the #1 African American newsweekly in...the world!! The prestigious and iconic JET Magazine thought that I (lil' ol' me) was special enough to join their team this summer. Am I excited? No. I'M PSYCHED!! I am living my dreams! If you know me, you know I LOVE black people and I LOVE writing! They married and had JET. Want to read my stuff? Go to JET here!
  • I rekindled an affinity. Lol, I'll cut the coding: At the beginning of last school year (September 2013), I lost connection with someone very special to me. And it hurt. Badly. But I have always been firm believer that all things happen for a reason, and I still am. Things are back to being a-okay now, and I am happy (cue Pharrell). I'm happy because, even though I didn't understand at the moment, it worked out for me and my heart. My freshman year was defined by the way it was defined because of how things happened. I made a friend...and best friend...a sister. And I know I wouldn't have if things didn't "shake up" for me.
    • Why am I telling y'all this? Cause. I ain't ashamed of my hardships. :)
  • I've gained weight. HAHA!! The funny thing is it really doesn't bother me! This week, though, I've been buggin' about the way I look. "My hair is too short." "My thighs are too wide." "My cheeks are humongous!" But today, as I was in the bathroom washing my hands, I stepped back and realized that I am beautiful. That realization actually sparked me to make this blog post (check out the title). Y'all, sometimes it's hard being a size 12 in a size 2's world! But let me tell you THIS (as I take a bite out of this delicious spice cupcake), I AM! I am anything that I can imagine! Just read the bullet points above! I encourage you to look in the mirror and DECLARE what you ARE! 
  • I mentioned this in the "rekindled" bullet, but not in enough detail. A big big BIG BIG goal for me upon arriving to college was to find myself a "best friend." I wanted the "finishing each others sentences." I wanted the "knowing what makes each other tick (good and bad)." I wanted it! And although I had/have some really genuine frienships from high school, I was still empty. Well *wipes tears* I'm no longer empty! I've been through just about everything with this girl here. I mean, name it. We walked borderline tornado rain to watch The Best Man Holiday. We spent our last dimes on some Chipotle together. We've had HOUR LONG rants in our room about race/religion/sex/you name it. We've cried together (good and bad tears), we've laughed, we even binged watched OITNB! I don't want to write a book (though I could, just click here for deetz) but I just want to say: goal #1, CHECK! 
  • I've grown closer to my family. Is that how this distance thing works? I swear, if you ever want to realize how much you love somebody, get away from them...for a good amount of time. Then you'll realize it. I've coined a phrase for my journalism endeavors, "Reporting on the village that raised me," and I love it for this reason: that "village" has molded me into the person I am today. They are ALWAYS there for me, ALWAYS encouraging me, ALWAYS offering some type of somethin'. *wipes more tears* even my papa bear, who I know as much as anybody doesn't always leave a smile on my face. But I think about how he's always been my #1 fan. He's always worn my jersey, and I love him eternally for that.
  • ...I've abandoned the B2B. I really apologize. I got to the point where I was like "NOBODY reads this thing anyway, so why bother?" But then I remembered. I remembered the "I love your blog!" texts. I remembered the "You inspired me to start a blog of my own!" conversations. And then I was like...dang, Si. But I'm not going to make any promises, but I will try. So drop any ideas for future posts in the comments section. Or in my text messages. Or on my instagram. Or twitter. Or through a phone call. Or in person! I love y'all, blissers!

Okay, this got real long, real fast. That's all folks (for now at least)!!
How has life been treating YOU since we last got in touch? Please let me know! Connections = priceless.



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