Progress and B.E.T.

Now, I know you all are reading expecting me to say that I have a prestigious internship B.E.T. Well, I don't (yet). But I am still a staff writer for Pulse Magazine, Northwestern's premier black and multicultural magazine.

It is more than an honor to write for the legacy that is Pulse. NU Alum saw the need and demanded so that people like me could have a safe-space for what we see as important. I am here to, first and foremost, apologize for never blogging anymore. Honestly, I've run dry with topics to blog about, but I know the well will soon be full of water again.

Also, I'd like you all to read my latest piece on the Pulse website.

Click here to read it!

Also, click HERE to see my digital portfolio. It has all of my clips and also some goal that I'd like to accomplish as a journalist.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for me to blog about, please please don't hesitate to let me know!



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