It's Mine!

Yes, the money is all mine!

But actually this post is about hair.

As I have told you all time and time again, I have natural hair. But being the Sierra I am, I like to change things up and keep people wondering what my next step will be. I'm also unapologetically an individual, so many times the things I do will not and do not seem mainstream. In the past, I've dyed my hair "purple" with semi-permanent dye.

Lovely, right? However, such purple hair was only done with a rinse, meaning that after a couple of washes, the purple fades away. So now, I want to take things to the next level. Let me give you all a visual. 

So I want to lift the color of my hair in the front section like so,

And then let the purple take over and reign like this beauty has done,

To me, this will be the needed touch to give me the "umph" I've been wanting for so long. I know what you're thinking, "So why not do it then?"

Here's the dilemma: Natural Hair police
Some of the peeps in the natural hair community are so hard core that they see any type of chemical that you put in your hair as a ticket out of said community. Why? Beats me. Even though your hair is still in its texture, some will pitch fork you for adding spice to your 'do. But to me, this logic is FAULTY! Likewise, does that mean that these ladies do not put any type of product whatsoever in their mane? Uhhh, no. Regular hair products hair chemicals, geniuses. Many things we do to our hair alters it, but it's amusing how some offer their attention to others and not their own doing. My verdict?


So soon (very soon), I will be rocking some awesomely purple natural hair. Think about it this way, If I am not my hair...YOU sure as heck aren't either. 

P.S. Today Welcome Week for Northwestern FINALLY starts! Will (try to) keep you updated!



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