I Am Not My Hair...Or Am I?

As stated in the previous post, I have taken the step into going natural!

I didn't do the BC (big chop), as I've been without a perm for years, but I've said "NO" to damaging chemicals and heat powered styling items.

Easy, right?

Throughout the journey that I've been traveling thus far, I've made countless mistakes which leaded to my hair looking a hizzot mizzess!! Here is my very first attempt at a natural hair-do:

Whew!! I mean, it's not too bad, but it's not to die for either. But, through all the mistakes and mishaps I've had, I've learned so much about my hair. I've also gained a vast knowledge on the many many terms in the natural hair world. (WnG, anyone?) 

Fast forward almost five months after that picture and you'll see THIS: 

And even though I've come so far in my natural hair journey, even I know that I have a lot more ground to cover. But I'm excited!! (Especially since the word on the street is it takes two years to grow an Afro that's out of this world). It's also easing to know that I'm not alone in this walk. Thanks to YouTube (follow me by the way, sieboone), Instagram, and google, I have countless go-to's where I can get needed info. 

So what about goals?

Well, with any change in your life, goals are a healthy way to see growth. Mine? To look half as flawless as these Natural hair goddesses:

I know, I know, it won't be overnight. But, I'm not expecting it to be! I'm buckled up and ready to face all the curves I face with my hair, because I know in the end, it will be worth it.

And I'll definitely be keeping all of you updated with each step :)

-Si (Changing it from just 'S' to 'Si', hope you all don't mind)


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